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Rocket Kit

Made from a recycled wine bottle, every Hydro-Herb kit contains all you need to grow your chosen herb!

Watering the kits could not be simpler just keep an eye on the water line (clearly visible) and top up when needed, every couple of weeks. Each kit contains enough organic hydroponic fluid for you to be able to grow your herbs for approximately two years. The kits also come with spare parts, so that if your horticultural skills require a little honing there’s a second chance waiting.

About Rocket

Arugula, also called roquette, salad rocket, garden rocket, or rugula, is an annual herb of the mustard family (Brassicaceae), grown for its pungent edible leaves.

Native to the Mediterranean, rocket is a common salad vegetable in many parts of southern Europe and has grown in popularity around the world for its peppery, nutty taste and its nutritional content. The young leaves are often eaten raw and are a great source of calcium, iron, and vitamins A, C, and K.

It's also the fastest germinating of all the herbs usually getting started in 12 to 24 hours. So if you are thinking of using the kit for educational as well as culinary reasons, rocket is great at keeping young ones interested from the very start.